In addition to design and production, RES also offers workshops on various exhibit-related themes. If you do not see a workshop topic you are interested in, contact us about other possible topics. We can conduct workshops for a single institution or a regional museum association and pricing is based on number of attendees, travel distance, etc. Contact us for a quote.
Stage 1 Workshop
Staff Workbook for Exhibit Planning (an informal format that is suitable for fundraising)
In this half-day creative workshop RES representatives meet with staff and stakeholders who have a general idea about the exhibition's central themes, messages, and target audiences.
Information gathering will include:
- Mission-driven messages
- List of frequently asked questions
- Significant artifacts
- Graphics
- Flloor plan
Deliverables will include:
- 4-6 concept illustrations with written descriptions and comments
- 6 copies of the workbook for staff comment use
- An electronic PDF format of the whole workbook
Stage 2 Workshop
Revised Design Concept Drawings
In this full day workshop RES representatives meet with staff and stakeholders to work out more specific design solutions based on the Staff Workbook for Exhibit Planning comments. The central themes are refined, sub themes developed along with storylines, and primary, secondary, and tertiary take-home messages.
Deliverables will include:
- 12-15 drawings (depending on the size and complexity of the exhibition)
- Preliminary selection of materials, color schemes, typography, etc.
- Detail design solutions
- 6 copies of the workbook
- An electronic PDF format of the whole workbook
Stage 3 Site Visit
Detail Design and Construction Drawings
This is a bid document that can be presented to exhibit fabrication firms. RES representatives will revise and finalize all decisions made in Stage 2.
Deliverables will include:
- Detail design and construction drawings
- Artifact mount drawings
- Interpretive and graphic panel designs (print ready)
- Multimedia production specifications
Exhibit Basics Workshop
This can be either a half day or full day workshop. The full day workshop has more time for hands-on activities and troubleshooting attendee exhibit-related problems. Both workshops take you through the stages of the exhibit development process: planning, design, fabrication and installation that can be applied to any type of museum exhibition. Discussions include issues with broad applications as well as case studies and demonstrations of museum materials, tools and techniques.